Virtual Screening: using computer simulation in the drug discovery process, Dr. Constantinos Potamitis
Dr. Constantinos Potamitis is a PostDoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Biology, Medicinal Chemistry and Biotechnology, National Hellenic Research Foundation. In his interview, he talks about Virtual Screening, a computer simulation technique used as the first step in the medicinal drugs discovery process. Virtual Screening reduces the need for the costly and resource-intensive manual lab experiments which determine the effects of linking/combining molecules and proteins. Current research done in the Lab of Molecular Analysis, focuses on how to improve the accuracy of existing models. Interviewed by George Voulgaris for Tech Talks Central.

Constaninos Potamitis, Dr.
Postdoc Researcher at National Hellenic Research Foundation
Dr. Constantinos Potamitis is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Biology, Medicinal Chemistry and Biotechnology of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) since 2010. His research field and scientific experience are focused on NMR spectroscopy and in silico methodologies towards structure-based and ligand-based drug discovery. He received his bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Athens in 2003. In collaboration with the NHRF, he obtained his PhD in Physical Chemistry from the same University in 2009. His research work has resulted in 17+ publications at international journals.
Specialties: Virtual screening
Researchers’ Night is held for one night in several hundred cities all over Europe and beyond. The purpose of is to convey to the general public the key ideas that Research is a necessary ingredient for progress, the Researchers are an integral part of the community and their profession is both fun, challenging, interesting and worth pursuing. On September 26th 2014 Researcher's Night was held at the research centre NCSR Demokritos premises, in Athens. Tech Talks Central interviewed 18 Scientists & Researchers from 5 research centres that presented their work during Researcher's Night.