The Right Skills for a Developer. Robin Johnson
Robin Johnson shares with us some interesting facts about Sendgrid, their amazing services and APIs and why they’re taking part at the Athens Battlehack 2015. He talks about the hackathons he’s taken part in and what his role, as a Developer Evangelist, encloses. We ask him about the core skills a developer should possess and he reveals some nice insights from his own experience. Last but not least we talk about which programming languages and frameworks are now hot or will be in the next years. Follow him on Twitter at @rbin. Interviewed by Sakis Triantafyllakis for Tech Talks Central.

Robin Johnson
Developer Evangelist at Sendgrid
A Polyglot Programmer and Developer Evangelist at SendGrid, currently working amongst the World-wide Developer Community to ease the adoption of the technology. Having spoken at some of the world's leading technical conferences, Robin is building his way to being a player in the London tech scene; attending, speaking at, and even helping organise multiple large events. Follow him on Twitter under @rbin
Specialties: Development
BattleHack is a 24-hour full hackathon event where developers program an application that actually works by the end. It's organised by Braintree and PayPal. Each year it runs in 14 countries and the best 14 teams go to San Jose for the finals, where the final winner receives $100.000 in their PayPal account to spend as they wish. Tech Talks Central was at BattleHack Athens 2015 (May 30th) and interviewed 8 of its participants drilling into the why's and how's of BattleHack.