Petros Papachristou on Exporting Healthcare know-how from Greece
We talk with Health Team leader for the Greek ICT company Singular Logic, Petros Papachristou, about the three big contemporary issues (digital – filmless – cloud) in the Health sector and the export of Greek know-how in neighbouring countries. We also take a look on the “burning” issue of what’s next for patients’ records. Interviewed by TTC’s Yannis Rizopoulos.

Petros Papachristou
Health Team Leader, Singular Logic
Petros Papachristou is a project manager for National and International projects in the sectors of Healthcare Information Systems, Telemedicine, Remote Sensing, GIS, Telematics & Environment and Web Technologies.
Tech Talks Central interviewed and broadcasted live from the eHealth Forum 2014 at Megaron Conference Centre in Athens, GREECE, during the 12th – 14th of May, 2014. The eHealth Forum 2014 brought together a High-Level eHealth Experts’ Conference on European Priorities, the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA) – incorporating events and an exhibition, a meeting of the eHealth Network, the 4th EU-US eHealth Marketplace & Cooperation Assembly, and much more. The Forum demonstrated how eHealth can further develop existing partnerships to enhance and safeguard access to care and quality of life. It showcased how ICT and innovation on a large scale in health and care systems can contribute to sustainability, economic growth and job opportunities during challenging times.