Monitoring of oral chemotherapy patients at home, Prof. Reem Kayyali
Dr. Kayyali explains the benefits of CANadvice, an Android mobile application tested in 2014 in UK and used by patients receiving oral chemotherapy at home, in order to alert their doctors about possible quite painful side-effects, while undergoing treatment. She also speaks about Welcome, a European project which is in essence a monitoring system for pulmonary diseased patients, based in the cloud. Interviewed by Yannis Rizopoulos for Tech Talks Central.

Reem Kayyali, Prof.
Assoc.Professor, Faculty of Science, Engineering & Computing, Kingston University, UK
Reem Kayyali is associate professor in Applied & Clinical Pharmacy at Kingston University, UK and Member of the General Pharmaceutical Council. Her undergraduate studies were at University of Nottingham, while her MSc in Biopharmacy and PhD were in King's College, London. Her current research interests include optimising the care of patients with chronic conditions (e.g. diabetes, cancer), evaluating the use of innovative technology (M-health and telecare) to improve health outcomes, self care and timely management, evaluating the cost effectiveness of community pharmacy services, healthcare professionals' and patients' education, empowering patients for self-care, streamlining transition of care, use of blended learning and interactive learning technology such as serious games in healthcare education
Specialties: Mobile health, Telecare, Public Health, Pharmacy
Interviewed at the MOBIHEALTH 2014, the 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - "Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies", that took place in Athens, Greece, November 3–5, 2014