How to Keep the Network Reliable and its Customers Satisfied
One of the greatest problems that network operators face in a daily basis, is how to keep their customers satisfied, in order to minimise churn. So, any serious proposal and solution on how to succeed in this endless battle, via controlling, configuring and testing a network, deserves attention. Paul Carter, president and CEO of Global Wireless Solutions, a data collection company specializing on information and competitive benchmarking, describes what it takes for the networks to ensure that their customers can use their mobile phones wherever they live, regardless of the device used, and also insists that “the third Internet wave is a big change for all of us”. Interviewed by Sakis Triantafyllakis for Tech Talks Central.
2:50 “…the deployment of 4G is increasing and advance of LTE and carried aggregation, these networks are becoming faster and faster in terms of throughput but also more robust in terms of reliability… as the industry continues to deploy these networks, the focus is gonna be on increased reliability…”
4:21 “…in Europe, we have legacy 2G-3G and new 4G technologies and I think it’s important to, of course, maintain a consistent quality of service for all those technologies and ensure that people can use their phones wherever they live, work and play… what would be required is an increase in political involvement from the government to help deploy more cell sites and accelerate the process… 5G is coming and operators need to continue to prepare for that…”
6:05 …(talking about their new backpack) We’ve been using this backpack to test up to six different devices at a time, in the backpack; the beauty of that, is that we can get all our engineering level information but, at the same time, allow portable use of the equipment so that we can take them on trains; into buildings; walk around in venues; and don’t interfere with anybody, while we are collecting our data. We are getting a full engineering analysis and really understand user experience across all the networks at the same time …”

Paul Carter
President & CEO at Global Wireless Solutions
Dr. Paul Carter is President and CEO of Global Wireless Solutions, Inc. (GWS), a leading independent benchmarking solution vendor for the wireless industry. With more than 22 years of experience in the cellular network industry, Dr. Carter founded Global Wireless Solutions to provide operators with access to in-depth, accurate network benchmarking, analysis and testing. Prior to GWS, Dr. Carter directed business development and CDMA engineering efforts for LLC, the world's largest independent wireless engineering company.
Specialties: wireless industry, networks
Tech Talks Central interviewed 37 ICT professionals at the Mobile World Congress 2015, the Health & Wellness by ECHAlliance and the Heroes of the Mobile Fringe, events that ran through March 1st to March 4th in Barcelona, Spain.