Extroversion of eHealth Companies
European eHealth companies have a huge potential to grow, by approaching an ever growing market inside and outside EU borders. Apart from the obvious innovation potentials in a broad number of health & patient care sectors, markets like that of the US, Latin America and China have come ‘closer’ due to international agreements. What kind of impediments will European eHealth companies have to overcome, in order to reach these markets effectively?

Dimitra Liveri
Network and Information Security Expert at ENISA
Dimitra Liveri has been working in ENISA since March 2013 as a Networks & Information Security officer, focusing on cloud computing and cyber security strategies, by managing the ENISA Cloud security and resilience working group, conducting research on topics like incident reporting for cloud computing, SLAs, certification and standardisation on cloud. She is also working on ways to assist the member states in deploying cloud computing in public procurement through guidelines and recommendations on the topic of Governmental Clouds. On the policy part, she is dealing with the wider notion of cybersecurity strategies on national level and how the member states can enhance security in their network and information systems and CIIs.

Marcello Melgara
International eHealth Project Manager at Regione Lombardia – DG Health
Marcello Melgara, Degree in Electronic Engineering (1980), 31 years’ experience in ICT based EU projects (13 years in healthcare sector).Since 2008, he is Senior consultant at Lispa / Regione Lombardia General Directorate for Health. Reviewer of the EC (7FP) for projects on Semantic Interoperability. epSOS skills: semantic interoperability, sustainability, testing and piloting, system architecture. epSOS responsible for Implementation, testing, Semantic Services and National Pilot. Italian eSENS eHealth pilot responsible. Trillium Bridge: WP Specification leader. EXPAND responsible for epSOS asset maintenance and relation with Institutions.
The eHealth Forum is a new, dynamic event that promotes synergies on multiple levels, between scientists, academics, entrepreneurs —both of the public and private sectors— in the fields of ICT and healthcare in Greece. The conference is a sequel to last year’s successful eHealth Forum 2014, organised by the same team and the Greek Government – holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, back then.