Digital Single Market Prospects in eHealth
The Digital Single Market strategy has raised questions about its impact on U.S.-EU trade and investment, especially with respect to cross-border data flows, data protection, standards development, and competition. These questions arise as both the United States and the EU strive to negotiate the new Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Considering the EU has limited powers regarding the organisation of member states’ health systems and can only recommend actions; what immediate actions should willing states and/or companies take in order to be competitive?

George Crooks
Medical Director for NHS24 and Director of the Scottish Centre for Tele-health and Telecare
Professor George Crooks is currently the Medical Director for NHS 24 and Director of the Scottish Centre for Telehealth & Telecare. NHS 24 is the national provider of telehealth services for the whole of Scotland providing the majority of its services via telephony, the web and digital television. He is responsible for the quality, safety and effectiveness of all clinical services and the development of new services in partnership with other NHS organisations. George Crooks was a General Medical Practitioner for 23 years in Aberdeen, latterly combining that role as Director of Primary Care for Grampian. He was elected President of the European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL) in February 2012 and is a Board member of the European Connected Health Alliance (ECHA). He leads the Integrated Care Action Group on behalf of the European Commission within the European Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing. He is Chair of the Scottish Digital Health and Care Innovation Programme Board, leading on the at scale delivery of telehealth and telecare services and also the Chairman of the Digital Health Institute in Scotland, a partnership between academia, industry and health and care delivery organisations delivering innovation in technology and design that can provide safe, effective and sustainable health and care solutions and create economic growth in Scotland. He was awarded an OBE in the Queen's New Year Honours List 2011 for services to healthcare.
Specialties: eHealth Policies

Karima Bourquard
IHE-Europe Director of Interoperability
Senior Consultant and founder of IN-SYSTEM, Karima Bourquard assists several regional/national projects on tele-Imaging, telemedicine or national eHealth infrastructure. She has a solid background on Healthcare IT as eHealth Project and eHealth interoperability director. During the last 15 years, she contributed to the creation and development of IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) in France and in European level. She is actually director of Interoperability at IHE-Europe, working on EU-Affairs Committee and European projects. The last two years, she was also engaged in the EIP AHA program and was one of the co-authors of the «Guide des TIC pour la Santé et l’autonomie » published in France. She is also involved in the Silver Economy network in France.
Specialties: eHealth policies

Marcello Melgara
International eHealth Project Manager at Regione Lombardia – DG Health
Marcello Melgara, Degree in Electronic Engineering (1980), 31 years’ experience in ICT based EU projects (13 years in healthcare sector).Since 2008, he is Senior consultant at Lispa / Regione Lombardia General Directorate for Health. Reviewer of the EC (7FP) for projects on Semantic Interoperability. epSOS skills: semantic interoperability, sustainability, testing and piloting, system architecture. epSOS responsible for Implementation, testing, Semantic Services and National Pilot. Italian eSENS eHealth pilot responsible. Trillium Bridge: WP Specification leader. EXPAND responsible for epSOS asset maintenance and relation with Institutions.
The eHealth Forum is a new, dynamic event that promotes synergies on multiple levels, between scientists, academics, entrepreneurs —both of the public and private sectors— in the fields of ICT and healthcare in Greece. The conference is a sequel to last year’s successful eHealth Forum 2014, organised by the same team and the Greek Government – holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, back then.