Angelina Kouroubali & Prof. Apostolos Karantanas on Going-to-market for eHealth research institutions: challenges and considerations
Angelina Kouroubali talks about FORTH’s Computer Science and Health research centre outcomes, ‘From Research to Αffective Ιmpact on Ηealth’ sharing 30 years of experience on eHealth, big data and creating actual products for the Greek market. Professor Karantanas takes us on a quick journey over their advanced medical imaging research and the possible opportunities in the market. He continues, deepening on the causes of public health care dysfunctionality, analyzing the disconnection between applied science and policy makers; wrong investments decisions; availability of funds and steps that need to be taken to turn the tide, in Greece. Interviewed by TTC’s George Voulgaris.

Angelina Kouroubali
Collaborating Researcher in Computational Medicine
Her research interests include Electronic Health Records implementation, evaluation, certification and quality assurance, ICT for the management of falls, evaluation and impact assessment of health information systems; innovative management practices for the coordination of care; social and organizational issues in e-Health services; applications of complexity theory in organizations; innovation and change in education, health care and enterprises, user and stakeholder involvement. She collaborates with EuroRec, promoting quality labeling and certification of EHRs at a National level. She is the principal investigator for FORTH for the thematic network eNoFalls. In the past she has been principle investigator for FORTH in the EU projects EHR-Implement, EHRQ TN, and HEALTHWARE. She participates in several European projects including Reaction for the remote monitoring and management of diabetes.

Apostolos Karantanas, Prof.
Professor of Radiology-University of Crete, Chairman of the Dpt of Medical Imaging, University Hospital-Heraklion Greece
Prof. Apostolos Karantanas is currently Professor of Radiology-University of Crete, Chairman of the Dpt of Medical Imaging, University Hospital-Heraklion Greece, member of the Educational Committee of the European Society of Radiology (2014-2017), member of the Sports Injuries Subcommittee/ESSR and affiliated scientist to the FORTH-institute. Dr. Apostolos Karantanas graduated the Medical School, University of Ioannina, Greece at 1983 and completed the Radiology training in the same University, in the Radiology Department. He undertook musculoskeletal training on metabolic bone disorders in New York University Medical Center and Manchester Medical School/Manchester Royal Infirmary. He has been given 310 invited lectures in 26 countries and is a regular faculty member in ECR, ISS, Erasmus courses MSK MRI, School of MRI/ESMRMB, ESOR and ESSR. He is the author of 160 Medline/175 Scopus publications (1600 citations, h index:22, i10 index:67), 3 books, 53 chapters in books and 325 announcements in international conferences. Prof. Karantanas is a reviewer in 19 Medline journals, Editorial Board in two and has been a Guest Editor in 3 issues of medline journals. He has been visiting professor at the Universities of Leeds and Amsterdam.
Tech Talks Central interviewed and broadcasted live from the eHealth Forum 2014 at Megaron Conference Centre in Athens, GREECE, during the 12th – 14th of May, 2014. The eHealth Forum 2014 brought together a High-Level eHealth Experts’ Conference on European Priorities, the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP AHA) – incorporating events and an exhibition, a meeting of the eHealth Network, the 4th EU-US eHealth Marketplace & Cooperation Assembly, and much more. The Forum demonstrated how eHealth can further develop existing partnerships to enhance and safeguard access to care and quality of life. It showcased how ICT and innovation on a large scale in health and care systems can contribute to sustainability, economic growth and job opportunities during challenging times.