Aiming to Connect Every Device and Customer
Jasper is a pioneering company in the Internet of Things era and they’re out to connect everything from devices, vending machines, bicycles, users, customers and about anything that can transmit data. Mark Thomas, Director of Connected Car Product Marketing at Jasper, explains the backend cloud solutions they offer their customers in order to provide the needed infrastructure for the development of IoT solutions. We ask Mark about how he sees the future of IoT and what he believes about future regulations and ethical questions that will arise from the monitoring of IoT devices. Interviewed by Vicki Kolovou for Tech Talks Central.

Mark Thomas
Director, Connected Car Product Marketing
Tech Talks Central interviewed mobile and tech professionals at the Mobile World Congress 2016, at the Health & Wellness by ECHAlliance and the Heroes of the Mobile Fringe, events that ran through February 22nd to February 25th in Barcelona, Spain.